GRAF, the platform that brings together contemporary art organisations to create a community.

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The current GRAF team is:
Pilar Cruz, Sandra Costa, Noe Laviana, Arantxa Zulema y Marc Vives.

Oficina de Disseny (Ariadna Serrahima, Diego Bustamante, Katharina Hetzeneder), identity and web design.
María Carvajal, digital communication, advice and strategy.
Oscar de la Fuente, grants.
Ale, web developer.

Previous members:
Pep Vidal, direction.
Luz Broto, direction.
Gerald Kogler, web developer.
Mónica Pérez, accountacy.
Berta Canela, communication.
Julieta Dentone, coordination.
Alba Riera, digital communication, social media for cultural communication.
Ricardo Oliva, digital content and analysis of social networks.
Maria Elisa Gomez, calendar.
Bernat Daviu, translations.
Judith López, calendar.
Marc Permanyer, web developer.