GRAF, the platform that brings together contemporary art organisations to create a community.

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Privacy Policy

GRAF agrees to safeguard the privacy of personal data entered into its website.

When you subscribe to our mailing lists we ask for your email address. The reason we collect this information is so we can send you a monthly newsletter with information about the programme of the spaces that are part of GRAF, and some other GRAF news.

Through Google Analytics we have access to this information from those visiting our website: date and time of access to our website, internet addresses containing links to our website and number of daily visitors. The information obtained is completely anonymous and cannot be associated with a specific user.

We use cookies, small data files generated by the user’s computer, just to make the pop up welcome message appear once a day. The user may modify his browser settings to prevent cookies from being installed.

You may access, update, or erase your information whenever you wish by contacting us by email at info(at), or managing your subscription to Mailchimp, trought any of our newsletters.