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Agñipé. Catalina León

18:0021:00 h
Venue: Galeria Mayoral
Consell de Cent, 286
08007 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Catalina León‘s (Buenos Aires, 1981) solo exhibition ‘Agñipé‘ gathers 2014-2024 works in diverse materials like fabrics, plaster, woods, textiles, embroideries and leaves from Barcelona. Far from conceiving her supports as neutral surfaces, the artist understands them as fields charged with histories she reactivates and resignifies through her pictorial practice. Her works integrate marks, stains and accidents in a constant rewriting process, affirming the vitality of materials resisting to be mere passive supports.

Catalina León‘s work is built as a delicate balance between her creative action and the capacity of materials that seem to breathe and offer resistance, configuring a “laboratory” where the condition of painting is experimented with. The artist seeks to make each piece a matrix to evoke the vibrant life.

Agñipé. Catalina León