

In 1736 the inhabitants of Königsberg, a city made up of several islands, wanted to organize a parade that would cross once each of its 7 bridges. This originated the theory of the graphs.

In mathematics, a graph is a set of nodes joined by edges, which allow to represent relationships between elements of a set.

GRAF, an initiative of artists and cultural agents, began in 2013 when realising the necessity to improve the communication and coordination between the spaces of contemporary art in Catalonia.

GRAF is born to connect those nodes of the set, to optimize the energy and the resources of the context we belong.

What’s Graf

The platform that brings together the programme of contemporary art in Catalonia.

An open, plural and interdisciplinary community where the spaces connect to strengthen a common cultural context.

A tool that coordinates with the spaces a consensual programme, which is shared in GRAF’s agenda.

The agenda that embraces all agendas.

Who’s Graf

GRAF is you every time you visit the agenda
GRAF is each of the entities that make GRAF.
GRAF is the platform that connects the spaces with the public.

Consult the entire community that has formed GRAF in the section Spaces.

For more information, please contact

GRAF team :
Pilar Cruz, Noe Laviana, Sandra Costa, Arantxa Zulema y Marc Vives.

Identity and web design:
Oficina de Disseny (Diego Bustamante, Ariadna Serrahima).
Digital communication, advice and strategy: María Carvajal.
Grants: Oscar de la Fuente.
Web developer: Andreu Llos.

Previous members:
Pep Vidal, direction.
Luz Broto, direction.
Gerald Kogler, web developer.
Katharina Hetzeneder (Oficina de Disseny).
Mónica Pérez, accountacy.
Berta Canela, communication.
Julieta Dentone, coordination.
Alba Riera, digital communication, social media for cultural communication.
Ricardo Oliva, digital content and analysis of social networks.
Maria Elisa Gomez, calendar.
Bernat Daviu, translations.
Judith López, calendar.
Marc Permanyer, web developer.




Dossier de serveis GRAF(pdf)
Logos GRAF (link)



GRAF agrees to safeguard the privacy of personal data entered into its website.

When you subscribe to our mailing lists we ask for your email address. The reason we collect this information is so we can send you a monthly newsletter with information about the programme of the spaces that are part of GRAF, and some other GRAF news.

Through Google Analytics we have access to this information from those visiting our website: date and time of access to our website, internet addresses containing links to our website and number of daily visitors. The information obtained is completely anonymous and cannot be associated with a specific user.

We use cookies, small data files generated by the user’s computer, just to make the pop up welcome message appear once a day. The user may modify his browser settings to prevent cookies from being installed.

You may access, update, or erase your information whenever you wish by contacting us by email at info(at), or managing your subscription to Mailchimp, trought any of our newsletters.

With the support of:
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