
Thursday of voice and word / Todo o que escribo convértese en realidade (Tot allò que escric es converteix en realitat)

Todo o que escribo convértese en realidade (Tot allò que escric es converteix en realitat) – everything I write becomes reality – is a show halfway between a poetry recital and what is known in Galicia as ‘contada’, that is, the act of sharing stories narrated to the public. The stories that María Lado brings are linked to poems of her own authorship, which she recites herself. They are stories about some of the writers’ anecdotes that most fascinate the Galician poet, such as the story of Mary Shelley and her gang in Vila Diodati in the year without a summer, the friendship between Rosalía de Castro and Eduarda Pondal, the incredible story of the first spiritualist séances in Galicia and other anecdotes that, documented over the years, end up coming out in one way or another hidden in María Lado’s verses.

Thursday of voice and word / Todo o que escribo convértese en realidade (Tot allò que escric es converteix en realitat)
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