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Tuesday of video / ¿Cómo vivir en una zona de sacrificio??

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 12.11.2024.
Price: Free event

A set of videos that form part of the project of the same name by Jose Iglesias García-Arenal. A project of exchange of knowledge and experiences between ‘sacrifice zones’ -places dedicated to the extraction of materials and energy, production of goods or reception of waste identified as unfit for life-, through a bridge between two spaces of cultural agitation: Sala Guirigai in Extremadura and Patio Om in Southern Patagonia; two very different contexts but linked by historical processes of mining extraction.

Between ultralocality and a situated virtuality, the work raises the question of what agency we can develop to multiply the possible cosmotechnical horizons, what technologies are really useful in a context of permanent crisis, and how we can link ourselves to the territory when we know that we live in a future sacrifice zone.

¿Cómo vivir en una zona de sacrificio? (How to live in a sacrifice zone?) is a choral project that over time has developed into a programme of artistic residencies organised by the author, through which he works with other artists to develop research and creation projects on technology and rurality. In the framework of the screening of “Martes de vídeo” we will put in dialogue the research of some of these artists, such as Jara Rocha, Azahara Cerezo and Víctor Ruíz Colomer, with the audiovisual matrix of Jose Iglesias García-Arenal.


Dimarts de vídeo /¿Cómo vivir en una zona de sacrificio?