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Tuesday of video / Filmed diaries

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

The session is based on Anne Charlotte Robertson’s film work, unfiltered self-portraits documenting her daily life, marked by nervous breakdowns, psychotic outbreaks and bipolar disorder. In her hands, the Super8 camera became a tool for self-therapy: filming was her way of seeking mental balance. We will get to know some of his main influences (Carolee Schneemann) and we will see and comment on a representative fragment of his monumental Five Years Diary. The final part of the session will be devoted to other examples of the diary as self-therapy, not only in film (Su Friedrich) but also in art (Bobby Baker) and comics (Tara Booth).

Dimarts de vídeo / Diaris filmats