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Tuesday of video / "Nnuba", women's mutual aid in the mountains of La Cabília

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 05.11.2024.
Price: Free event

Presentation of the film Nnuba by Sònia Kessi, and the project “Cinéma et mémoire”, a self-management experience for the training and dissemination of Arab cinemas in Algeria, from which the film and Sonia Kessi, filmmaker, were born.

Nnuba is the name given to a very old social organisation of women’s mutual aid, which consists of taking turns grazing the village’s livestock. The film deals with this practice established by the shepherds of a village in Bouzeguene, in the high mountains of the Kabylia (Algeria). Songs, confidences, poems, stories of life, laughter and tears punctuate and accompany this pastoral activity, where life and death coexist, celebrate and reconcile.

Dimarts de vídeo / “Nnuba”, ajuda mútua femenina a les muntanyes de la Cabília