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Wednesday of sound and body / Phantom Touch

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Between the analogue (or physical) and digital worlds appears an intangible and infinitesimal space that describes a present that practically touches the future, and as Cade Diehm says in “The Para-Real: A Manifesto”, it only exists in real time, it cannot be cultivated, there is no open source and it cannot be archived. It is this space that Phantom Touch explores, a space that navigates between chaos and order, movement and sound. Phantom Touch is about exploring these ephemeral tangencies, which once they appear expand like a zoom (whether in or out) of Stable Diffusion.

Phantom Touch is a pseudo-aesthetic phenomenon experienced by VR users when they physically feel what they are experiencing in the virtual world, and is very similar to the material sensation of sound that occurs when it is generated by sensors. Suddenly, this space appears intuitively, allowing you to explore it with the dynamics of your body.

Shoeg’s project began as a (spiritual) sound collage project, which then moved in other directions, but maintains the essence: the juxtaposition of materials and everything that appears in between, not only in collision, but in coexistence and transition, in change.

Dimecres de so i cos / Phantom Touch