
Espacios dibujados. Josep Miàs

Drawn spaces are constructions, or rather objects in transit, that do not aim to fix
anything but to open up possibilities.

This exhibition shares a personal, almost secret space—the space of freedom—
found in the very act of drawing. Lines on paper that abandon that condition to
engage with space, where, far from intending to represent anything, they seek to
establish spatial relationships through geometry.

These are objects that result from constructing lines in the air, of the same thickness
as the pencil stroke that once fixed them on paper; lines that recognize themselves,
or each other, simply by affinity.

When they overlap, they might, perhaps, suggest traversable places; other times—
most times—they will simply have no purpose.
Their reality is no longer found on the plane of the paper, nor in the real world. These
lines do not aspire to be, nor to suggest, an identifiable space but rather to express
that space of doubt, ultimately, a space of freedom.

Espacios dibujados. Josep Miàs
With the support of:
In collaboration with: