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Images of thought: seeing and understanding in the time of Artificial Intelligence

19:0020:00 h
Venue: La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

everal philosophers of the late 20th century (especially Gilles Deleuze, Jean- François Lyotard and Jacques Rancière) wondered about the specific visibility of thought and the difference between thought and artistic images. How do we manage to see a thought while reading a book or listening to a lecture? What is the difference between seeing and understanding? Is there one? Can a thought be represented? Together with Catherine Malabou we will consider whether neuroimaging, together with the productions of artificial intelligence, allows us to answer these questions in a new way. The challenges of this set of questions are at once philosophical, artistic, pedagogical, and political.

Simultaneous translation from French to Catalan.

Imatges del pensament: veure i entendre en temps de la Intel·ligència Artificial