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Jochen Lempert

18:0021:00 h
17:00 h
Passatge Mercader, 8, baixos 1
08008 Barcelona
Price: Free event

The black-and-white analog photography of Jochen Lempert (Moers, Germany, 1958) captures the traces of natural phenomenons in every sense, in every place and in every situation. The artist’s knowledge of the natural sciences (formed as a biologist), his sensitivity and sharp eye, together with his knowledge of art and culture, intertwine in such an organic way that it is impossible to restrict the content of his work to a single idea.

One photograph leads to another and then to another and then to many… in a kind of play between light and shadow, brightness and darkness, transparency and opacity. His new exhibition at ProjecteSD will present a series of recent photographic ensembles in which the poetic vocation of his work on nature becomes visible again.

Jochen Lempert