
Laboratory for migrant artists: Mapping and tools for professional cultural context in Barcelona

Space designed to critically disseminate the cultural system of Barcelona in relation to contemporary art and artistic research: public spaces and resources, production system, residencies, exhibition, organization chart and hierarchies of the art sector in Barcelona. The objective is to know the map of Barcelona and find the best formula to locate a specific artistic project. We will also work on tools, hacks and tips to present a dossier of a project to calls for proposals. The sessions are organized in a theoretical part and a practical and personalized part (elaboration of dossiers and calls), for this last session the attendees are asked to bring a project that they want to start moving to work on it as a case study. Designed for migrants.



Session 1: Wednesday, January 15

The first session will work on a mapping of resources, institutions, spaces, competitions, grants and actors in the professional art sector in Barcelona.

Session 2: Thursday, January 16

The second session will work with the methodology of collective project clinic on strategies, tips and tools to present a project and the creation of a dossier.


This workshop is carried out from the certainty that the greatest power is the exchange of knowledge that can be generated among attendees, it is proposed as a safe space where you can share questions, doubts, crises, challenges, tools, knowledge. We work with the methodology of the collective project clinic, in order to learn collectively from real case studies.

Participants will have access to a collective directory of resources and artistic spaces in the city of Barcelona that is growing every time this workshop takes place, this being the third time. It is a directory in constant growth, and designed to be used and shared promiscuously.



Juan David Galindo (Bogotá, Colombia) is an artist, educator and cultural mediator. There are thousands of Juanes in the world and he signs as Un Juan. He investigates with artistic projects, materialized through archives, video or performance, the models of subjectivation that deform, discipline, limit and empower the self. She delves into the construction of subjectivity, starting from what shapes the self beyond identity and biography.

He has shown his projects in spaces such as Cinémathéque de Toulouse in the framework of the festival Cinespaña 2023 (France); The Cervantes Institute of Dúblin (Ireland); The Centre d’Art Contemporain Le Lait in Albi (France); La Galerie Lisi Hämmerle in Bregenz (Austria), CityArt in Milan (Italy); In Kvaka22 (Serbia), The Museum of Modern Art and El Parche, both in Bogota (Colombia); In Spain at the Centre d’Art Maristany in Sant Cugat, Las Cigarreras in Alicante; and in Barcelona at Fabra i Coats Centre D’Art Contemporani, El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria, Sala D’art Jove, Blueproject Foundation, Galeria Àngels Barcelona, Castell de Montjuic, Sala Hiroshima, CCCB, Centre Cívic de Sant Andreu, Centre Civíc de Can Basté, Centre Civíc de Baró de Viver and Tangent Projects.

He has carried out educational and mediation projects in different institutions such as MANIFESTA15 La Escocesa, MACBA, Fundació Joan Miro, Can Felipe, among others.


This activity coordinated by Juan David Galindo is part of Trenza, which proposes to generate alliances with collectives, projects and people in the territory who have a long history of work by, with and for the southern migrant community in Barcelona. Based on the idea that art workers are political agents within the city and that in order to open La Escocesa to a specific community, it must be part of the cultural and political fabric of the city beyond the specificity of contemporary art.



The project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


If you have any needs or questions regarding the accessibility of this activity, please, visit the page “access La Escocesa” by clicking here

Laboratory for migrant artists: Mapping and tools for professional cultural context in Barcelona
With the support of:
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