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"Màquines, ruletes, trucs i trampes", curated by Julia Coelho and Renan Araujo

Venue: Centre Grau-Garriga d'Art Tèxtil Contemporani
Plaça Can Quitèria, 1
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Price: Free event

Taking as a starting point the Casino de la Rabassada, which at the beginning of the 20th century constituted the bourgeois leisure and cultural complex in the Serra de Collserola, the exhibition is proposed as a circular essay that links decay with the culture of excess.

The proposal considers the Casino as a space that causes sensory stimuli, the continuous movement of people, money, machines and roulettes. A ritual space made up of lights and colours, metallic sounds, secret identities that, driven by the belief in luck, seek a future of abundance. A place of uncontrol, ruin, tricks and traps.

The aim is to turn the idea of care around through a reflection on how the architectures of spaces of desire can stimulate addiction behaviours and, at the same time, provoke liberating sensations. The exhibition presents works by artists who investigate the environments of nightlife, power and control, and the dynamics of flows and circuits, whether aquatic, machinal, food, ruined or excessive.

“Màquines, ruletes, trucs i trampes”, a cura de Julia Coelho i Renan Araujo