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ODA A LA COLLITA / qui vol farina, que sembri blat!

11:3012:30 h
Venue: Biblioteca Collserola
C. d’Elisa Moragas i Badia, 16-34
This event will be published on the agenda on 28.09.2024.
Price: Free event

October 5th, 11:30h
Venue: Biblioteca Collserola Josep Miracle
Liternatura Festival 


“Oda a la collita” is a gastro-performative action by Natalia Carminati, working on the intersection between food and contemporary art.

“Hurrah tomatoes! Cheers to aubergines! Strength to peppers! Long live lettuces! A manifest, a carnival, a festival to celebrate our harvests: our own, those of our neighbours, those that are part of the pagan ritual of eating every day.”

We will have a short walk around the festival square honouring the vegetables that we will then share in an edible installation – all the vegetables you want to bring are welcome!

‘Oda a la collita’ is a proposal by the artist Natalia Carminati in collaboration with the Grupo de l’hort del Damiá in the framework of the artist’s residency at the Collserola Josep Miracle library, promoted by Homessesion and Bibliotecas de Barcelona as part of the Homesession Ex-Libris programme.

Natalia Carminati (Buenos Aires, 1982) is a visual artist and researcher.
The conceptual development of her practice is oriented towards the critical study of contemporary culture, post-colonial theory, biotechnology and food sovereignty. Her projects are materialised in the creation of multisensorial devices that integrate video, sound experimentation, video games, painting, installation and performance.

ODA A LA COLLITA / qui vol farina, que sembri blat!