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What do the seeds tell us?

18:3020:15 h
18:3020:15 h
18:3020:15 h
Venue: Centre Cívic Sant Martí
C/ de la Selva de Mar, 215
08020 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Workshop for the exchange of knowledge and know-how with the garden of the Centre Cívic Sant Martí and the Casa de Semillas de La Escocesa.

What do seeds need to be well? What stories do they tell us? What varieties of plants do we want to plant together? In addition to answering these questions, we will listen, sow and attend to other temporalities and other non-human cultures. With a non-extractivist approach, we will learn how to improve the resilience of plants, of the earth and, indeed, of all of us, and we will put it into practice in the garden of the Civic Center!

The activity, facilitated by Adrianna Szojda, is aimed at people interested in sustainable gardening, with or without experience. The first session will take place at the Centre Cívic Sant Martí, on September 16. There will be a second session on September 23 to visit the Seed House de La Escocesa. The third and last session will be on September 31 and again we will meet at the Centre Cívic and we will focus on the soil and the associations between plants, to finally sow together.

If you want to know more about Seed House click on this link.

This is an activity organized by the Centre Civic Sant Martí in collaboration with La Escocesa.


Adrianna Szojda Researcher, ecoagriculturist, mediator. She investigates human and non-human interrelationships, searching for possible ways of interspecies communication. Her field of interest encompasses new post-anthropocentric utopias, ecofeminism, food sovereignty and justice, and new ways of creating collectivities, based on empathy, care and collaboration.


Free activity, with previous registration through its link (as of 04/09/2024)

Language: Spanish

The sessions of September 16 and 30 will be held at Centre Civic Sant Martí.

The session on September 23 will be at La Escocesa.

Què ens diuen les llavors?