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Reasons to act

Venue: La Visiva
Sepúlveda 85, baixos dreta
08015 Barcelona
Price: 100€

Acting training for actresses, dancers, creators. Each body has its stage temperature. Train and know your own fiction mechanisms to understand what I do and who I do it for.


Divendres 17/05 – (18h-21h)

Dissabte 18/05 – (16h-19h)

Diumenge 19/05 – (11h-14h)


Juan Miranda is a scenic creator and researcher.
His practice is situated at the intersection between theater, visual arts and performance. He focuses on the ephemeral body of emotions and explores the scene as a field of tensions between action, presence and space. He graduated in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. He has completed the Master DAS Theater, Amsterdam University of the Arts with the support of a Scholarship from the “La Caixa” Foundation.

Her work has been commissioned by various European institutions, recently she has directed Quan jo dic amor (ZIP TNC Festival, 2024), Wunder by Enis Maci (Sala Beckett, 2023/ Schauspielhaus Vienna 2024), A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing by Eimear McBride (Hall Beckett 2023), The Sense of Belonging and DAS GIFT at Schauspielhaus Hannover 2022, 1000 EYES by Mazlum Nergiz (Finalist for the Théâtre 13 Prize, Paris, 2021), Mon fils marche juste un peu plus Lentenment by Ivor Martinic, Sapucay, Werner or the blue of origins, Boquitas Pintadas by Manuel Puig Second Micrology. He has collaborated with Nao Albet & Marcel Borràs on Los Esqueiters and Atraco, paliza y muerte en Agbanäspach. As a performer, he has participated in Game Boy by choreographer Sylvain Huc and Trossos by the Obskené company, among others. Until 2009 he co-directed the Chroma Teatre company in Barcelona. He combines his artistic practice within educational frameworks and is currently a professor of the ERAM Performing Arts Degree at the University of Girona.

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