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Un desordre distint (A Different Disorder). Curated by Marta Sesé

19:0021:00 h
Venue: La Capella
Hospital, 56
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Artists: Mercedes Azpilicueta, Cati Bestard, Black Quantum Futurism, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Noela Covelo Velasco, Jaume Pitarch, rogerserretricou i Helena Vinent

To renounce the linearity of history, to look away from a fixed horizon. To disorientate oneself in order to question a stable paradigm that modernity legitimised by defining the concepts of subject and object, time and space. Un desordre distint seeks to question the abstract and progressive conception of time to show how it has played a crucial role in issues related to colonialism, exploitation, sexuality and cultural homogenisation by favouring the exclusion of other bodies and other ways of inhabiting the world. The project aims to create a space to re-examine the concept of time and organisation by rejecting its predominant construction today, in which time is understood as an abstract line that advances autonomously and indescribably, promoting a destructive, steamrolling vision of the world.

Marta Sesé (Lleida, 1992) works and researches from the practice of curatorship, editing and art criticism. Her interests focus on the critical examination of imaginaries, resistance to homogenisation of aesthetics and experience, temporalities and their connection to matter and the construction of forms of belonging. She is currently an editorial coordinator at MACBA and writes for various magazines specialising in contemporary culture. She is also co-founder of the project Higo Mental. She has been present with her projects in institutions and spaces such as the Museo Patio Herreriano, Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani, CA2M, MNAC, Conde Duque, Homesession, Dilalica, Akademin Valand, Can Felipa and Arts Santa Mònica, among others.

Un desordre distint. A cura de Marta Sesé