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Veus de TRAMA (installation)

11:0020:30 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

An exhibition of the participants in the TRAMA community learning art laboratory. TRAMA takes the form of a support group and a place for learning through art, offering the members themselves to contribute knowledge and design sessions, while at the same time giving them the chance to get to know the centre’s spaces, its programme and its artists. It was born and developed as a research-action project at the Santa Mònica arts centre, within the framework of the residency in artistic mediation research of the Gremio de Participación 21-22 and 22-23, and under the impulse of the artist and psychologist Diana Rangel.

Veus de TRAMA (instal·lació)