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Guided tour and round table. Activities related to the exhibition 'Arxiu Cabanyal'

17:3020:00 h
Venue: Fabra i Coats. Centre d'Art Contemporani
Sant Adrià, 20
08030 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 18.09.2024.
Price: Free event
Guided tour

5.30 pm Planta Baixa
Guided tour with the artists Patricia Gómez + María Jesús González and the curator Joana Hurtado Matheu

6.30 pm Sala d’Actes P3
Round table Before the desertion, this was a neighbourhood. The cases of Cabanyal in Valencia and Poblenou in Barcelona. With Marc Andreu, Tato Herrero, Patricia Gómez + María Jesús González and Joana Hurtado Matheu (moderator).

​Among the visual documentation of the Cabanyal Archive, there is a photograph of a concrete wall bordering a plot of land on which is painted “Culture and history of a neighbourhood reduced to rubble”. The title of this talk Before the desertion, this was a neighbourhood, shares the same resonance and was taken from a piece of graffiti that could be read, last year, on a boarded-up door of the old Mesón Poble Nou.

When Patricia Gómez and María Jesús González intervene in a building, its walls have already been talking for a long time and a lot. In this round table, we will contextualise and draw out everything that the walls and the people of two neighbourhoods with similar stories have to say: Cabanyal in Valencia and Poblenou in Barcelona. These two fishing villages that were annexed to their cities both experienced a process of urban transformation as of the 1990s, with such drastic economic and social effects that today they are an example of urban speculation and neighbourhood struggle.

To attend these activities, please email to book a place.

Visita comentada a ‘Arxiu Cabanyal’ i taula rodona