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winters while waiting. Nieves Mingueza

18:0020:00 h
18:00 h
18:00 h
Venue: FUGA Gallery
Lluis el Piados 3
Price: Free event

‘winters while waiting’ explores online gender abuse through photography art practices, employing a practice-based and trauma-informed approach. The project by Nieves Mingueza will be debuting as an installation at FUGA gallery in Barcelona in September 2024 in Barcelona Gallery Weekend.

Using autoethnography as the starting point, the research navigates the complexities between past personal-subjective experiences and current public-objective data. The project repurposes found photographs as transitional objects, assigning them new meanings, contexts, and audiences, while also addressing the ethical considerations of using these artefacts in artistic practice.

The creative outcome is an installation that brings together original photographs from the artist’s collection with various paper materials and donated resources.

Additionally, the study examines systemic inadequacies in addressing online abuse, particularly the lack of adequate responses from social media platforms and legal entities.

winters while waiting. Nieves Mingueza