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Before We Go Down in History (we have to make a living) I. Class Composition. Session 2

18:3021:00 h
Venue: MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

During this session, Eleonora Belfiore will talk about what she considers to be the “moral failure” of cultural policies. After her lecture, we will open up the discussion to the audience. To end the day, Radia Cava-ret will present Karaoke Inmigrante accompanied by Sindihogar Sindillar with its project Sabores y saberes.

6.30 pm Lecture: Eleonora Belfiore. It is about more than just money: artists’ ‘hidden subsidy’ of the arts as systemic exploitation

7.15 pm Conversation between Eleonora Belfiore and the audience moderated by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez

8 pm Immigrant Karaoke: Now I am here

During the [contra]panorama project, we will think about the costs of surviving as an artist, and the costs of giving up, but we will also speculate about which economies, technologies, times, mechanisms of redistribution and infrastructures we will need to imagine together. During this first session of the public programme, we will think about what Eleonora Belfiore has called the “moral failure” of cultural policy. With María Ruido, Isabel Seguí, Lorena Cervera and Radia Cava-ret, we will think about the emergence of a new artistic class consciousness that is aware of these changing conditions and yet refuses to think of artistic labour as deserving some exceptional kind of protection, establishing its emancipatory horizon as the base on which new forms of identification and networks of solidarity must be established.


Abans de passar a la història (hem de sobreviure) I. Composició de classe. Sessió 2