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19:0021:00 h
Venue: Fabra i Coats. Centre d'Art Contemporani
Sant Adrià, 20
08030 Barcelona
Non confirmed event.
Price: Free event

Artistic research projects with hybrid processes and virtual results.

Performative activity with Natalia Domínguez and rubiasirisueñas (Iris Verge and Sandra López Parra)

IDENSITAT, within the framework of the ART TERRITORI DATA programme, presents the projects carried out by Natalia Domínguez, “Cómo se condensa el vapor de agua” and by rubiasyrisueñas (Iris Verge and Sandra López Parra), S3x3territori

Art Territory Data generates a framework for reflection and research about the idea of alternateterritories, in reference to places, media, and the positioning of artistic practice. 

An  alternateterritories, which takes shape in a virtual context, constituting a common place for sharing research and artistic production. 

The two projects presented here respond to this reflection of the alternateterritories, as a place of their own from where they have developed their research. Natalia Dominguez presents “Cómo se condensa el vapor de agua” based on the respiratory system, and the different uses, transformations, and transfers of water vapour within urban and industrial environments.Generating a symbiotic relationship between body and machine, that she has been able to materialise through a workshop centred on the use of the voice in which she has counted on the participation of nine other artists. rubiasyrisueñas (formed by Iris Verge and Sandra López Parra), with their project S3x3territori, have generated a space of trust to carry out an investigation that problematises the intersection between a raw, complex, and forced sexual awakening, and belonging to a geographical and class periphery. Memory as a wound, and escape as a defence against conservatism and abuse.

In this gathering they will present in a performative way the work that takes shape in the website.