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baile enmascarado

19:0020:00 h
19:0020:00 h
Venue: Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món
Carrer Montcada, 12
08003 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Monster.L4b has been the selected collective that will present their project ‘Baile Enmascarado’ as part of the GREC programme.

The museum’s collection of masks and their stories and narratives are the starting point for ‘Baile Enmascarado’, which approaches masks from their capacity for possession, constructing a choreographic piece that, in the form of a tour of the museum, will feature bodies that will incorporate the existence of each mask they occupy and update their meanings.



M0nster.L4b The duo, composed by the choreographer Lu Chieregati and actress and drag performer Feña Celedon, opens up a space of experimentation to explore beyond the boundaries of gender and the drag practice, expanding into other fields of materialisation in relation to choreography, dramaturgy and dance.

They explore the narratives of the body and the image that lie behind the Western and techno-heroic fictions of the contemporary neoliberal colonial and heterosexual regime. They propose narratives to imagine and create fictions, in which monstrues take over the political to re-evaluate the concept of normativity.


This collaboration stems from the Creació i Museus initiative, in which Fàbriques de creació and the museums of Barcelona are once again taking part in a joint experience. A series of museum and heritage spaces in the city become the stage for the residents of the city’s artistic creation centres, who dialogue through their proposals with the artistic, historical or ethnographic collections preserved in each space. One such union is that of M0nster.L4b (artists-in-residence at La Escocesa) and the Museum of Ethnology and World Cultures.

baile enmascarado