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Thursday of voice and word / Tot allò que no existeix, with Adriana Bertran and Miquel Àngel Adrover

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 14.11.2024.
Price: Free event

Two sides (extremes, perhaps?) of orality converge and act as counterpoint in this encounter between the Mallorcan poet and glossator Miquel Àngel Adrover and the Barcelona slammer Adriana Bertran. If she uses poetry to name what had not been given space, he describes the world without naming it, because there are things that don’t even deserve to have their own name.

Dijous de veu i paraula / Tot allò que no existeix, amb Adriana Bertran i Miquel Àngel Adrover