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Si no vols pols no viguis a l'era

12:0018:00 h
Venue: Espai Nyamnyam
Carrer Can Caló 38
17830 Mieres

Si no vols pols no vinguis a l’era’ returns to Espai nyamnyam (Mieres), a cycle framed in contemporary artistic practices by Ariadna Rodriguez and Iñaki Alvarez (nyamnyam), with a public and transgenerational programming from May to August 2024.

Marta Azparren, Julia B. Laperrière (CA), Estel Boada, Anat Bosak (IL), Aitor Climent Barba, Núria Coromines, Oscar Dasí, Anna Dot, Rafael Frazao (BR), Martín Gutiérrez, Júlia Irango, Los Sara Fontán, Norberto Llopis, Carlos Monleon – Gendall, Sofía Montenegro, Daniel Moreno Roldán, Borja Nogué, Vasilis Ntouros (GR), nyamnyam, Aris Papadopoulos (GR), Esther Rodríguez Barbero, Rosanayaris, Marion Storm (EUA), Ibon Salvador, Mariana Viana (BR), Catarina Vieira (PT), Irena Visa y Dora Zoumba (GR) are the protagonists of this fifth edition.

The first event(4 and 5 May) is framed in PLANT (Performing Life Akademia Network), a two-year transdisciplinary project that aims to promote the development and experimentation of contextual artistic and curatorial practices that cross live arts, the commons and everyday life. It is a project funded by the EU promoted by Central Eléctrica (Porto, PT), Espai nyamnyam and the Duncan Dance Research Center (Athens, GR). PLANT arrives at Mieres in its second phase focused on the design, the development of methodologies and the sharing of tools that are circulating during the project. Thus, the programme includes the opening of the artists selected by open call, workshops, conversations, an exhibition and a film with live music, among others. You have all the info on the cycle website.

Admission to the two days of programming (4 and 5 May) is free and includes food, but you have to book here. The programming of ‘Si no vols pols…’ It will continue on June 9 (in collaboration with the festival ‘Això al poble no li agradarà’), July 13 and August 23, coinciding with the main festival of Mieres.

Tickets are already on sale for the whole cycle, with lunch included and discounts for children under 25 and free for children up to 3 years old.

Si no vols pols no vinguis a l’era