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EUmies Awards Day

15:3020:00 h
Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 7
Join us on 14 May in a special day open to everybody to enjoy and share together the best architecture in Europe. A festive encounter to gather and celebrate that will start with the inauguration of the exhibition with a series of conferences followed by the granting ceremony and close with the opportunity of sharing with all the assistents.

15:30 EUmies Awards Talks – Palau Victòria Eugènia
Welcome by Anna Ramos, director Fundació Mies van der Rohe and Ivan Blasi, EUmies Awards coordinator.

Talk 1
Plato Contemporary Art Gallery in Ostrava by KWK Promes, Katowice, with Robert Konieczny.
Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François in Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano by Amelia Tavella Architectes, Aix en Provence, with Amelia Tavella.
Square and Tourist Office in Piódão by Branco del Rio, Coimbra, with João Branco and Paula del Río.
Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona by SUMA arquitectura, Madrid, with Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano.

Conversation moderated by Océane Ragoucy (LINA European architecture platform) with the architects and clients of the works.

17:00 Break and visit of the exhibition

17:30 Talk 2
Hage in Lund by Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects, Trondheim, with Geir Brendeland and Olav Kristoffersen.
Reggio School in Madrid by ANDRES JAQUE / OFFICE FOR POLITICAL INNOVATION, Madrid, with Roberto González García.
Study Pavilion on the Campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig by Gustav Düsing and Büro Hacke, Berlin, with Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke.

Conversation moderated by Océane Ragoucy (LINA European architecture platform) with the architects and clients of the works.

19:00 EUmies Awards Ceremony – Pavelló Mies van der Rohe

Welcome words by Mr. Jaume Collboni, Mayor of Barcelona,
Mr. Normunds Popens, Deputy Director General EAC of the European Commission,
Mr. Agusti Serra, Director General of Territory, Urban Planning and Architecture of the Government of Catalonia and
Mrs.  María Teresa Verdú, Director General of Urban Agenda and Architecture of the Government of Spain

Welcome by Frédéric Druot, jury president.
Granting of trophies to the finalists:
Plato Contemporary Art Gallery in Ostrava
Hage, Lund
Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François in Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano
Reggio School, Madrid
Square and Tourist Office in Piódão

Sound performance by Gisle Nataas
Granting of trophies to the winners:
Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona
Study Pavilion on the Campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig

After the event we will continue with a reception coctel at he Pavilion (strictly by invitation) and there will be food trucks in front of the Pavilion to continue the celebration enjoying this unique occasion to exchange ideas, knowledge and opinions among architecture lovers.

19:00 Ceremonia de entrega de los EUmies Awards – Pabellón Mies van der Rohe

Bienvenida del sr. Jaume Collboni, Alcalde de Barcelona,
SR. Normunds Popens, Director General Adjunto del EAC de la Comisión Europea,
SR. Agusti Serra, Director General de Ordenación del Territorio, Urbanismo y Arquitectura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Dª. María Teresa Verdú, Directora General de Agenda Urbana y Arquitectura. Ministerio de Vivienda y Agenda Urbana.

Bienvenida a cargo de Frédéric Druot, presidente del jurado.
Entrega de trofeos a los finalistas:
Galería de Arte Contemporáneo Platón en Ostrava
Hage, Lund
Renacimiento del convento Saint-François en Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano
Escuela Reggio, Madrid
Plaza y Oficina de Turismo de Piódão

Actuación sonora de Gisle Nataas
Entrega de trofeos a los ganadores:
Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez de Barcelona
Pabellón de estudios en el campus de la Universidad Politécnica de Braunschweig

Después del acto continuaremos con un cóctel de recepción en el Pabellón (estrictamente por invitación) y habrá food trucks frente al Pabellón para continuar la celebración disfrutando de esta ocasión única para intercambiar ideas, conocimientos y opiniones con los amantes de la arquitectura.

EUmies Awards Day