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18:0021:00 h
Venue: Galería Pelaires
Carrer de Can Verí, 3
07001 Palma
Price: Free event

The multidisciplinary practice of Julia Aurora Guzmán (Santo Domingo, 1993) oscillates between sculpture, textiles, photography and performance, and emerges as a response to a profound exploration of the transitory cycles in human life, paying special attention to threshold moments. Her works honour births, deaths and tend to the present, becoming sensorial metaphors for the search of the centre and evoking structures that allow us to find support on the physical, emotional or spiritual plane. Liminal is an exhibition conceived specifically for Galería Pelaires (Palma, Mallorca) comprising works from the last five years, between 2019 and 2024, in which Guzmán brings into play her fascination with architecture with her ability to interweave craft techniques and universal concepts, summoning the audience to an introspective journey that allows them to explore the thresholds of their own existence.
