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To make a nest out of the habit. Andrea Herrera

Venue: El Sielo
carrer de Salvador 22, 4to piso
L'hospitalet del Llobregat
Price: Free event

In ‘To make a nest out of the habit’ Andrea Herrera incorporates the making of an almanac with the journey through space. She unfolds time in the room with a set of miniatures that return to the spectator a year, a month, an image. The scenes, models of rooms or transitions, house characters, found and invented objects and are arranged in the space just as the almanac shows in the grid that makes it exist, the synthesis of the organisation of time. Hanging vertically on the wall, it combines chronology and an image, in most cases an unconnected union that transcends the validity of the calendar: the year is over, but the almanac is still there, evoking some nostalgia or decorating.

Faré de l’hàbit un niu. Andrea Herrera