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Escola de Context Transmarikabibollo Farewell party

18:0022:00 h
Venue: La Capella
Hospital, 56
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Two years ago Escola de Context Transmarikabibollo was born and on Friday, July 19, we want to celebrate it in a festive event with music and performances. During this time, the people invited by the Escola have presented us different topics that have served as a driving force to unite a community where we can debate intersectional issues that cross our lives and existences, generating a critical horizontal learning space for other non-normative realities. It is for that reason that on July 19, above all, we will celebrate that we are alive, that we are as we are and that from and collectively is how we can survive.

Love and fight comrades.

Festa de Cloenda Escola de Context Transmarikabibollo