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Nature in dispute: keys to dismantling the new philosophy of the ruling class

19:0021:00 h
Venue: La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

A political agency amid the climate emergency cannot be articulated on the basis of moral abstractions regarding the relationship between humanity and nature. These moral categorizations often fall into maximalist fantasies and impolitic moral outrages. There are limits in many of the ecologist narratives related to identity and moralizing dynamics. Can environmentalism be an anchor or point of support with civilizational dimensions, a transformative experience with a constituent impulse? Who pulls the “emergency break”? Who makes change possible and launches the ecosocial transition? If environmentalism shows us the link between capitalism and productivism, what political subject makes its demands operational?

With Luciana Cadahia and Antonio Gómez Villar.

La natura en disputa: claus per desarticular la nova filosofia de la classe dominant