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The populated solitude and the chaotic scale

18:3020:00 h
Venue: La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 01.10.2024.
Price: Free event

The aim is to consider how irreducible lives, based on their rejections, impotencies and singularities, challenge and divert the grammar of the world. The staging of the play Telúrica, a schizoscenic project by the Ueinzz Theatre Company documented in a short film by Mariana Lacerda, reveals how art and madness reach a cosmic and chaotic dimension. On the other hand, by precipitating a catastrophe, the characters in László Krasznahorkai’s works reveal the nihilistic dimension of the world.

A talk by Peter Pál Pelbart and a presentation by Martí Peran and Ingrid Guardiola of Peran’s book El idiota. Ensayo sobre cualquiera y, a ratos, sobre arte.

La solitud poblada i l’escala caòtica