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Paratext #76 with Anna Moreno, Paula García-Masedo and Jocelyn Moisson

19:0021:00 h
Venue: Hangar
Emilia Coranty, 16 – Can Ricart
08018 Barcelona
Price: Free event

This name, Paratext, hides a monthly program of performances by artists in residence at Hangar as well as artists on exchange grants. They present, in different formats, specific projects or parts of their work. The sessions are always open to the public with the purpose of enabling interaction with the artists themselves.

The next Paratext session will take place on Wednesday, May 22, at 7 p.m. in Hangar’s Sala Ricson. Projects will be presented by: Anna MorenoPaula García-Masedo and Jocelyn Moisson.

Paratext #76 amb Anna Moreno, Paula García-Masedo i Jocelyn Moisson