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Improper practices. Deinstitutionalization in health, culture and academia

17:0020:30 h
Pere IV, 345 08019 Barcelona
Price: Free event

This meeting addresses deinstitutionalization practices inspired by the psychiatric reform of Trieste (Italy), located at the intersection between care, culture and research.

With this event, La Escocesa hosts a reflection/action already underway, which considers the role of artistic practices to sustain deinstitutionalization in both culture and care.

With the contribution of the Entrar Afuera collective, Giovana de Giudice, Mabel Tapia, Carlo Caprioglio, we will try to build an open relationship with a memory; that of the journey of institutional criticism and deinstitutionalization of Trieste, but also with a specific theoretical articulation and situated practices.

This event is aimed at diverse agents from the culture, art, health and care sectors, as well as community management and emancipatory activism.



17h – Welcome

17:15h – Presentation of the day by the Entrar Afuera collective

17:30h – Speeches by Marta Malo and Giovanna Del Giudice

18:30h – Break

18:45h – Speeches by Mabel Tapia and Carlo Caprioglio

19:45h – Open discussion

20:30h – Closure



Entrar Afuera is a militant research collective that tries to think and invent care practices in the city, reflecting and acting on the link between public institutions, territories and people. It has participants who come from activism and spaces linked to care through different forms, including public health, culture and art, social movements, and radical education and pedagogy. His journey begins in 2016, with projects in Madrid, Trieste and Barcelona.

Mabel Tapia She is an independent researcher and curator. Recently, she has served as deputy artistic director of the Reina Sofía Museum. Previously she was coordinator of L’Internationale, a confederation of seven modern and contemporary art institutions. Likewise, he has co-directed, in France, the postgraduate program in artistic research DSRA, Document and contemporary art (ÉESI – Esna Bourges), for 3 years. She has also been coordinator of the Red Conceptualismos del Sur, a platform of which she is a member. He has also developed curatorial work in different contexts.

Marta Malo She is a feminist translator and researcher. For more than two decades, he has combined the profession of translation and interpretation with a commitment to militant research and popular education. She has translated from English and Italian renowned feminist thinkers such as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, bell hooks, Judith Butler, Isabell Lorey and Mariarosa Dalla Costa. She is editor and co-author of “Common notions. Essays between research and militancy” (Traficantes de Sueño, 2004), “Adrift through the circuits of female precariousness” (Traficantes de Sueños, 2005), “La Internacional Feminista. Struggles in the territories and against neoliberalism” (Tinta Limón, 2020) and “We are here for ourselves. Seven theses for a radical practice of care” (Synusia, 2021). He has participated in activist research initiatives such as Precarías a la drift, Observatorio Metropolitano, Manos Invisibles and Entrar Afuera. He is currently part of La Laboratoria.

Giovanna Del Giudice She is a psychiatrist, collaborator of Franco Basaglia and Franco Rotelli, and played a leading role in the 1970s in Trieste in the process of closing the asylum and building the network of territorial mental health services. He has directed the Mental Health departments of Caserta2 (2002-2006) and Cagliari (2006-2009). Committed against all types of total institutions, she has actively participated in the process of improvement of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospital (OPG by its acronym in Italian). He is a national spokesperson for the state campaign …e tu slegalo subito, for the abolition of mechanical restraint in healthcare services. Since 2013, she has been president of the Associazione Conferenza per la Salute mentale nel mondo Franco Basaglia, and coordinates international cooperation projects in the field of mental health.

Carlo Caprioglio is a researcher and activist. It deals with the right to asylum, the rights of migrant workers, the facilitation of freedom of movement, and access to justice for migrants. Since 2020, and as a contracted professor, he has coordinated the Clinica del Diritto dell’Immigrazione e della Cittadinanza, within the Department of Jurisprudence of the Università Roma Tre. Founded in 2010, the Clinic is a theoretical-practical laboratory that, by combining activities teaching, legal support and research, promotes a rethinking of the social role of the university institution and the relationships within the academic community.

Pràctiques impròpies. Desinstitucionalització en salut, cultura i acadèmia