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Premi de Residència Artística Jordi Fulla

Concili de Trento, 313, planta 16
08020 Barcelona
Price: Free event
Open calls

Piramidón Centre d’Art Contemporani announces the Primer Premi de Residència Artística Jordi Fulla, open to visual artists who wish to explore and develop their creative practice in Barcelona.

The aim of this award is to provide contemporary visual artists with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the city’s artistic environment, working in a studio and participating in cultural activities. This will allow them to enrich their practice and establish connections with the local and international artistic community. The residency will last for two months and is open to visual artists of any nationality and background. To be eligible, applicants must have had a solo exhibition in an art gallery or institution within the last three years.

Premi de Residència Artística Jordi Fulla