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Tomosu. Masao Yamamoto

18:0021:00 h
Venue: Valid Foto
Carrer de Buenaventura Muñoz, 6
08018 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 12.09.2024.
Price: Free event

‘Tomosu’ is a Japanese word that means to illuminate the darkness/to shine a little light into the darkness.
I take pictures of small and beautiful things that I encounter in my daily life.
I would be happy if my photos reach your hands and become a little light in your heart.
                                                                                     – Yamamoto Masao, (Gamagōri, Japan, 1957).

The presented works are ambrotypes, unique pieces, and silver gelatin prints obtained from these. The ambrotype or amphitype was a photographic process used in the mid-19th century, especially between the years 1855 and 1865. The image is found on a layer of collodion on a glass support. In reality, it is a wet collodion negative that appears as a positive. A deliberately underexposed image is obtained, which appears as a positive when placed against a black background. It involves coating one side of the glass with iodized collodion, which is then immersed in a silver nitrate solution. The glass plate is deliberately underexposed in the camera while still wet. The necessary underexposure will depend on the characteristics of the camera and the lighting of the subject. The image must then be developed and fixed. The resulting negative can be viewed as a positive when placed against a black background.

Tomosu. Masao Yamamoto