Unknown City Beneath the Mist

19:3021:00 h
Venue: MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

This photographic project, about Barcelona seen from the suburbs that sprang up as a result of postwar migration to the city, is in line with the tradition of local photographic projects about urban development since the Olympic era. A critical and civil tradition that sees photography as a counter-discourse to advertising.

Historically, the periphery has always been the most innovative part of the city, the place where emerging tendencies first manifest themselves. Hence, a project about the periphery will work as a future prospect of the evolution of Barcelona in the next few years and offer significant documentation about the city during the current decade.

Artists: Laia Abril, Bleda & Rosa, Gregori Civera, Gilbert Fastenaekens, José Luis Guerín, Manolo Laguillo, Pilar Monsell, Mabel Palacín, Pedro G. Romero, Martha Rosler/Raquel Friera/Creadoness, Carmen Secanella, Jeff Wall, Jorge Yeregui.

Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira