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Thursday of voice and word / Aldaolado, with María Lado and Lucía Aldao

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 19.09.2024.
Price: Free event

Aldaolado is the artistic project of the poets Lucía Aldao and María Lado, two Galician poets with consolidated careers who in 2005 decided to join their names and creative efforts to create a proposal that combines poetry, live music and a high degree of improvisation and laughter. Aldaolado is oriented towards stage poetry and designed for all kinds of audiences, even those who never read poetry. Their spontaneity and complicity live is the basis of their shows, always critical and funny.

Ninguén morreu de ler poesía (Xerais, 2020) is the book signed by Aldaolado that collects part of the material they work with in their live shows. CASA! is the title of Aldaolado’s first album, recorded in 2020 under the production of Mig Seoane.

Dijous de ràdio / Aldaolado, amb María Lado i Lucía Aldao