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Las margaritas by Vera Chytilová

20:3022:00 h
Venue: Cinema Truffaut
C/ Nou del Teatre, 16
17004 Girona
Price: Free event

Daisies, Vera Chytilová (1966)
With a presentation by Ingrid Guardiola (director of Bòlit, Center for Contemporary Art in Girona)

“If everything in this world is corrupted, we are corrupted too.” Based on this premise, the two protagonists embark on a series of disconnected scenes where they playfully break with political correctness. They deceive, engage in acts of vandalism, sabotage, and in doing so, expose the absurdity of the patriarchal idea of femininity.

This experimental film falls within the realm of surrealist cinema; it can be described as an “audiovisual collage.” The work was banned in Czech-tradition cinemas, and the author was condemned to ostracism. Daisies is a critique of authoritarianism and a satire of bourgeois decadence. In Chytilová’s words: “This film is dedicated to all those who are only outraged by a plate of lettuce.”

Activity included in the public program of the exhibition “The Idiot.” In collaboration with Cinema Truffaut.

Projecció: Las margaritas de Vera Chytilová