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Reading Room 2024

19:0021:00 h
Venue: Tangent Projects
Carrer Marti Codolar 41 - 43,
08902 L’Hospitalet del Llobregat
Price: Free event

September 13th – October 18th, curated by Tsering Frykman-Glen

The Reading Room is an ongoing collaborative project conceived in 2021 that brings together creatives and audiences to share texts and be part of a mutual, collective experience.

During each edition of the Reading Room, the gallery is converted into a reading space – a place to sit, meet, read, and be. The gallery keeps normal opening hours to the public during the week with weekly activations. These events consist of exciting and fun reading/text-based activities, each one hosted by a different creative or collective.

These activations also incorporate the Cotangent Residency Programme, our short-term artist residency offered to 2 artists during the summer. By involving participants of the Cotangent Residency, the scope of the Reading Room expands beyond the gallery walls, thereby creating possibilities for new connections and dialogues across diverse locations and spaces.

“Readings” for 2024 – September 13th – October 18th, with reading events every week. This year’s readings will be by Veea A* Amon & Mariem Iman, Lucía Retamar, At Home in Bed collective, Isa Jasmim Ribeiro de Lemos & Sangre de María, Jamsen Law and Les Biologistes Marins – in that order.

Reading Room 2024 schedule:
September 13th from 19h – Veea A* Amon & Mariem Iman
September 20th from 19h – Lucía Retamar
September 28th from 16:30h – At Home in Bed collective
October 4th from 19h – Isa Jasmim Ribeiro de Lemos & Sangre de María
October 11th from 19h – Jamsen Law
October 18th from 19h – Les Biologists Marins

Reading Room 2024