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Wednesday of sound and body / Dialogues: rhythm, noise and son

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 13.11.2024.
Price: Free event

Dialogues: rhythm, noise and son is a musical conversation between two friends who converge in vision and diverge in style. From the continuum of rhythm, which acts as a generating element, a discourse is constructed that oscillates between son and noise.

Building one from the other and degrading the other until it becomes the one. Throughout this journey, songs by Carlos Pérez (MonoMalo, Venturi) and Elena Nieto (verni) emerge, portraying the discontent of the generation that was going to eat the world.

Dimecres de so i cos / Diàlegs: ritme, soroll i son