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Cariàtide. Gino Rubert

18:0021:00 h
Venue: Senda
Trafalgar, 32
08010 Barcelona
This event will be published on the agenda on 12.09.2024.
Price: Free event

In this new exhibition, Gino Rubert (CDMX, Mexico, 1969; lives between Barcelona and Berlin) leaves behind the rhetoric of meta-painting in which he was immersed during his large-format polyptychs on the art world. Here, Rubert shifts the focus away from social and sentimental vanities to place it on raw solitude.

Portraits of women trapped by their destiny, with garments sculpted on the canvas, whose figures are split by the framing, as if the limits of the canvas trapped them in the same way that the entablature and the base hold the Greek caryatids – those fascinating column-women that support the south face of the Erechtheion

Temple in Athens, and with this gesture support the world. Powerful women who, far from submitting or resigning, face us, turn their backs on us, shout, sing, or sail, never losing balance and composure in a world tilted by furious winds.

Cariàtide. Gino Rubert