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Hurgar hogar

19:0021:00 h
Venue: Tangent Projects
Carrer Marti Codolar 41 - 43,
08902 L’Hospitalet del Llobregat
Price: Free event

In June 2019 Tangent Projects gallery opened its doors with its first exhibition, ELÁSTICO by Marina Rubio. Five years later, we are excited for Marina to return to the gallery with new work and a new exhibition, Hurgar Hogar, curated by Mana Pinto.

In this exhibition, Marina Rubio encourages us to connect with the past by introducing a practice where she collects and restores found ceramic fragments from her maternal grandmother’s house in Cabolafuente, Aragon. 

Her practice challenges the common belief that suggests that the lifespan of objects concludes when they break, and instead focuses on documenting these ruptures not as the end but as a starting point for a new narrative, generating new versions of objects capable of retaining memories beyond their utility. Images, videos, found fragments and altered objects become a link to the past, fusing stories and shared experiences between generations.

Hurgar hogar