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Invocations (Prelude). Open Kitchen with Llorenç Barber and Marina Monsonís

19:0021:00 h
Venue: MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

‘Mey’ was the name of a boat christened in the Barceloneta neighbourhood where it lived, sailed and, one day, was burnt. Among the contents of this fisherman’s boat, only a little bell, a statuette of the Virgin of Carmen and the rudder were saved.  For this special session of MACBA’s Open Kitchen programme, we will summon nets, iron cauldrons, pots and pans, jugs and pitchers, cranes and sirens, little bells on the open wind, always our friend. The dishes we will cook for this occasion will come from the only two small fishing boats that still fish in the Port of Barcelona today. Llorenç Barber (musician and composer) and Marina Monsonís (artist and food sovereignty activist) will submerge us in locally-sourced rituals of care and seaside cuisine. A serene, sonorous ceremony that honours – pure magic – the life of artisan boats before their burning in Barceloneta and the recent demolition of the old fish market.

As the musician Carles Santos use to say: ‘Barca, suquet i pa que mai mos falte’ (‘Boat, fish stew and bread may we never lack’).

Invocacions (Preludi). Cuina Oberta amb Llorenç Barber i Marina Monsonís