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The communication of art through Bonart Magazine With Ricard Planas

12:0013:30 h
Venue: Bòlit_PouRodó
Plaça Pou Rodó 7-9,
17004 Girona
Price: Free event

The Hipòlit Nadal and Mallol Chair of Journals in Catalan at the University of Girona and APPEC, editors of magazines in Catalan, which has as one of its priority missions research in the field of communication, with special attention to sector of magazines and digital publications, through the promotion of cultural and scientific revitalization activities, with the participation of society and the professionals involved with the UdG as a core element and promoter, proposes a journey around the magazines of art, and it does so, through Bonart Magazine, by the hand of its editor and director, Ricard Planas.

In collaboration with the Hipòlit Nadal and Mallol Chair of Journals in Catalan at the University of Girona and the Bonart Magazine.

La comunicació de l’art a través de la Revista Bonart Amb Ricard Planas