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Mari Chordà... And Many Other Things

19:0021:00 h
Venue: MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Mari Chordà… And Many Other Things, presents the life and work of Mari Chordà (Amposta, 1942), which are inseparable. Approaching the career of this artist cannot be done from her work alone, which includes drawing, installation, sculpture (understood from the point of view of mobility), photography, poems and playful objects. Everything is closely linked with a personal commitment to feminism, the fight for women’s rights and visibility, and activism.

The exhibition takes the title of her first book of poems, which was presented at the first Jornades Catalanes in 1976, to be followed by Quadern del cos i l’aigua, Locomotora infidel del passat,Umbilicals and the more recent No com un so. Her artistic work developed from painting and is closely linked to her poetic writing, raising questions about the body, pregnancy and motherhood, the expression of sexuality and bodily fluids, as a reaction to an oppressive and puritan society that concealed these issues.

Mari Chordà… i moltes altres coses