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pantea, Alfredo Costa Monteiro and Arnau Sala Saez

20:0023:00 h
Venue: El Niu
Almogàvers, 208
08018 Barcelona
Price: 7€
— ACC028 —

pantea (b. 1992, Tehran) is a sound artist from Iran who is dedicated to narratives with ecological connections. Her work incorporates creative writing, walking, film, photography and radio art. She co-facilitates Khamoosh , a transdisciplinary community dedicated to preserving and archiving Iranian sonic heritage. Pantea is currently learning about social engagement practices and community work, exploring the possibilities offered by listening. She is passionate about wetlands and plants. She has presented and exhibited works internationally in the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Turkey and India.


Sediment-1: The first iteration of this collaboration between Alfredo Costa Monteiro and Arnau Sala Saez, is a game that starts from the mechanical and acoustic characteristics of the loudspeaker as an instrument, as well as its situation in space. Sediment-1 is an improvisational exercise based on the manipulation of each device, altering live the characteristics of the composition and the original sources, thus affecting its listening situation and perception.

pantea, Alfredo Costa Monteiro i Arnau Sala Saez