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Path-pathway - Anna Andrzhievskaia

19:0021:00 h
Carrer Marti Codolar 41 - 43 08902 - L’Hospitalet del Llobregat
Aquest esdeveniment està confirmat però no sortirà publicat a l'agenda.
Price: Free event

Curated by Tsering Frykman-Glen

In this project, Anna seamlessly integrates her ongoing exploration of identity and belonging with a poignant reflection on the universal experience of migration. Building upon her previous work, which often delves into themes of displacement and cultural adaptation, the exhibition space transforms into a multifaceted playground.

Anna Andrzhievskaia (1989) is a visual artist, based in Barcelona. She works with painting, graphics, and installation, and also loves to do food performances and wine fountains.

Path-pathway – Anna Andrzhievskaia