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Presentation of the publication: vAImpir: l'AI com a eina vampírica (vAImpir: IA as a vampiric tool) by Kenneth Russo

19:0021:00 h
Venue: La Capella
Hospital, 56
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

vAimpir is an applied research developed through trained AI models in the open-source framework. It is an open process that plays critically with the biases inherent in machine learning, and a way to experiment on new creative spaces. This is an open exploration that tries to bring us closer to a dialogue between human and machine.

As a result of this project, beyond the digital production and its concatenations, an analogue, tangible, limited and imperfect publication has been edited which synthesizes this research from the sensitivity towards the object; a counterpoint to the algorithmic contents that circulate at a different speed.

Presentació de la publicació: vAImpir: l’AI com a eina vampírica de Kenneth Russo