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Presentation: The Inconsistency of Boundaries with Cristina Almodóvar

10:3011:00 h
Venue: Bòlit
Plaça del Pou Rodó, 7-9
17004 Girona
Price: Free event

Cristina Almodóvar will explain her creative process through this installation.

In the shop windows of Bolit_PouRodó, Almodóvar connects sculpture, drawing, and video, showing how the boundaries between two and three dimensions, between the real and the represented, between the rational and the organic, are crossed. Both in the subtle moving images recorded in the video in one of the windows and in the artwork presented in the other, the rational boundaries that separate from the natural are questioned.

In the video, a central horizontal line, present in all the images, is overflowed by a changing reality, where nature delicately alters it. What orders and separates is overflowed by physics in continuous evolution. The wind, the flow of water, life on a small scale, reflections, lights, and shadows follow one another from a perspective that always seeks to find order, a viewpoint that rationalizes each image. Similarly, in the artwork displayed in the other window, “Corteza,” a simple piece of wood is represented transitioning from two to three dimensions, crossing the frame of its own representation. Wood that seems real but is actually made of cardboard becomes a drawing as it enters the frame. The real and the apparent merge in the work, crossing perceptual and conceptual boundaries.

The natural references, present in all her work, speak here of the relationship we have with the landscape, with that nature of which we are an integral part. An inalienable relationship, always present in the relationship between the human being and both their environment and their own nature as a living being, where it is necessary to consider the balance between the human and the natural, between the rational and the spontaneous, between the individual and the collective. A balance that always seeks to be reflected conceptually and visually in the artworks.

Presentació: La inconsistència dels límits amb Cristina Almodóvar